What if the eroticism of the Middle Ages was not imbued with the brutality and debauchery that we imagine? A fascinating anthology, which makes us discover works of very rich refinement and diversity.
The texts collected by Corinne Pierreville in this anthology constitute a glimpse...
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What if the eroticism of the Middle Ages was not imbued with the brutality and debauchery that we imagine? A fascinating anthology, which makes us discover works of very rich refinement and diversity.
The texts collected by Corinne Pierreville in this anthology constitute a glimpse of what the Middle Ages wrote of eroticism, through twenty-six of the most singular plays from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries. Bawdiness, saucy and obscenity are present alongside more tender, more serious or more modest pages, taken from works known to medievalists or less widely distributed. After a long historical and literary introduction, each text appears in its original Old French version, with a transposition into contemporary French, illuminated by a commentary, notes and illuminations. The book thus invites the reader to discover a literary panorama that is still little known. These texts set forth the primordial needs of the body freed from moral, religious or social fetters, aimed at controlling or repressing its impulses. They present a wide range of positions and practices that shake up the conventional framework of the heterosexual relationship and allow us to discover the relationship between men and women of the time and their carnal part, giving us access to their fantasies in all their richness and complexity.
900 pages
Éditions La Musardine