Chagall - La Fontaine - Fables - Boxset

Written in French.

This boxed set celebrates the dialogue between two exceptional artists, La Fontaine, a dazzling stylist and moralist of human nature, and Marc Chagall, who delivers his dreamlike and personal vision of the Fables, nourished by the snowy landscapes of Vitebsk and by an animism inherited...
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Sold by GrandPalaisRmn


18,7 x 23,5 x 3,9 cm
Marc Chagall (1887-1985)
Autres musées, Musée national Marc Chagall, Musée de Grenoble, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon
Size of the book
Paperback with flap

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4.75 / 5
Dongarato 8/29/24
Très beau livre des Editions Hazan (Spécialisé dans les livres d art). Les fables de la Fontaine sont à chaque page illustrées par un dessin à la gouache du peintre russe Marc Chagall. Les dessins s...Read more...
pgremaud 4/28/21
Je ne suis pas un spécialiste de la peinture, mais j'aime beaucoup l'oeuvre de Chagall. J'ai été ébloui par le musée Chagall de Nice et par le plafond de l'Opéra Garnier, j'ai vibré en visitant l'exp...Read more...

The work and its artist

Marc Chagall (1887-1985)

A painter, but also a sculptor and a poet, he was born in 1884 in Belarus into a modest family of Jewish origin. It was in his native city that he discovered painting, before leaving in 1907 to study at the Fine Arts School in St. Petersburg and start working in the studio of a Russian ballet decorator. Dreaming of discovering Paris, he settled there in 1911. As soon as he arrived, he met writers, poets and artists who lived in "La Ruche". This city of artists located in the 15th arrondissement of the capital has about a hundred workshops where artists of all nationalities live: Soutine, Archipenko, Zadkine, Léger, Delaunay...