Day five - Fireworks on the Versailles Canal - Jean Lepautre

Day five - Fireworks on the Versailles Canal - Jean Lepautre

Modern proof printed on Pascal Jeanjean paper, laid 250 gr.
Last 10 draws made in November 2018.
Dated, numbered, stamped - delivered with certificate of authenticity.

The context of this celebration is well known: Louis XIV, wishing to celebrate the conquest of Franche-Comté, had entertainment given...
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Last available items
Sold by GrandPalaisRmn


Order shipped directly from the Art Workshops within 3 weeks.
Printing Technique
Burin, eau-forte
Copper plate size
H.29,9cm L.42,6cm
Jean Lepautre 1618-1682
Eviter toute source d'humidité et de lumière directe. Ne pas plier la feuille
Size of the sheet
H.38cm L.56cm
Musée des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon
Made in France
Matière de l'article
Hahnemühle paper
Ateliers d'art de la Rmn-GP
Original work kept at
Paris, musée du Louvre

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The work and its artist

Jean Lepautre 1618-1682

Draftsman and engraver. He devoted himself to engraving and during his long career produced nearly fifteen hundred etchings and chisels. Appointed ordinary engraver of King Louis XIV in 1667, he was received at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in 1677. Estimated at 1500 plates, his entire work is varied and covers various themes. His recognition by Colbert earned him the right to engrave boards of rare quality for the King's Cabinet. Thus we can mention the entire Grotto of Versailles, the Festival given at Versailles on 18 July 1668, the Entertainment given by the King in 1674, as well as the engravings of various basins, statues and vases of the Versailles Park that the chalcography of the Louvre preserves.