Let us explore the fire and poetry of surrealist pictorial creation through a selection of quotes taken from correspondence, interviews and writings of surrealist artists Hans Arp, Hans Bellmer, Brassaï, Victor Brauner, André Breton, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Salvador...
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Let us explore the fire and poetry of surrealist pictorial creation through a selection of quotes taken from correspondence, interviews and writings of surrealist artists Hans Arp, Hans Bellmer, Brassaï, Victor Brauner, André Breton, Alexander Calder, Leonora Carrington, Salvador Dali, Giorgio De Chirico, Paul Delvaux, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Leonor Fini, Alberto Giacometti, Jacques Herold, Félix Labisse, Wifredo Lam, René Magritte, Man Ray, André Masson, Lee Miller, Joan Miro, Francis Picabia, Kay Sage, Tanguy, Dorothea Tanning, Toyen, Remedios Varo, Kay Sage, Wols, Unica Zürn.
With 54 reproductions of surrealist works, this book offers a journey through the group of visual artists of the surrealist poetic and artistic movement that emerged in the wake of Dada around 1919 and found André Breton, its leader from 1924 with Manifesto of Surrealism . Surrealism allows another knowledge, another conception of man based on forces hitherto repressed or censored such as dreams and the unconscious.
Published on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of surrealism.
Bilingual French / english
64 pages / 54 illustrations
Fage éditions
Paroles d'artistes