Silver-plated earrings in the shape of the leaf of the Gingko tree, created by L'Indochineur.
The tree with forty crowns, Silver Apricot or Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L., 1771) (银杏 yínxìng in Chinese) is a species of trees and the only present representative of the family Ginkgoaceae. It is the oldest known...
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Silver-plated earrings in the shape of the leaf of the Gingko tree, created by L'Indochineur.
The tree with forty crowns, Silver Apricot or Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba L., 1771) (银杏 yínxìng in Chinese) is a species of trees and the only present representative of the family Ginkgoaceae. It is the oldest known family of trees, since it would have appeared more than 270 million years ago.
Since 2002, L'Indochineur has been creating unique collections of jewelry, accessories and tableware and commissioning them to be produced by local artisans in Vietnam.