Niki de Saint Phalle, la révolte à l'œuvre

Niki de Saint Phalle. The revolt at work


Initiator of rifle paintings, author of the monumental sculptures of Nanas and the tarot garden, Niki de Saint-Phalle (1930-2002) crossed the avant-gardes of the end of the 20th century without being subservient to any other word order than that of generously expressing one's life...
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Last available items
Sold by Réunion des Musées Nationaux


Number of pages
16,1 x 23,5 x 2,7 cm
Niki de Saint Phalle (1930-2002)
Number of illustrations
Autres musées
Art movements
20th century, Realism
Publication date
Octobre 2013

Babelio Reviews

3.86 / 5
LoloKiLi 1/24/20
Ce (gros) livre n'est pas un roman mais une biographie. Un portrait très exhaustif de Niki de Saint Phalle où l'on saura tout de l'artiste, ses origines, sa vie, son oeuvre, tout quoi. Mais l'existe...Read more...
bdelhausse 12/12/19
Je n'aime pas les biographies... et grâce à cet ouvrage je sais pourquoi... (en fait je l'ai toujours su, sans réellement mettre des mots sur mon ressenti). Il y a deux types de biographies. D'une ...Read more...
Lismonde 2/24/14
Catherine Francblin, critique d'art, qui présida un temps l'AICA (1) vient de publier chez Hazan une nouvelle biographie de cette artiste du XXème siècle, une des figures de ces "Nouveaux réalistes" ...Read more...

The work and its artist

Niki de Saint Phalle (1930-2002)

Niki de Saint Phalle is a multifaceted artist : painter, sculptor, and filmmaker, she first started her career as a model and actress. As a self-taught artist, she has been able to enrich her knowledge through exchanges with renowned figures. Niki de Saint Phalle finds her inspiration in different artistic trends such as raw art or outsider art. In the early 1960s, she joined the circle of the New Realists, of which Gérard Deschamps, César, Mimmo Rotella, Christo and Yves Klein are members. In 1961, she became known to the general public thanks to Les Tirs, a set of performance paintings "with a rifle" that fascinates with her innovative and original technique. Its success has only increased thanks to the Nanas, sculptures representing bustling and colourful women from all over the world. The Igor Stravinsky Fountain, located in front of the Beaubourg Museum in Paris, and the Tarot Garden in Capalbio, Tuscany, are among his most popular works.