Leonardo da Vinci The genius in drawing


This book is published on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci. If this "Renaissance man" par excellence mastered painting and sculpture, architecture and music, anatomy and civil engineering, cartography and geology or botany, the extent of his genius...
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Sold by Réunion des Musées Nationaux


21 x 26,4 x 2,8 cm
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Autres musées
Size of the book
Paperback with flap

Babelio Reviews

4.62 / 5
SPQR 1/31/20
Quel bonheur de retrouver ces centaines de dessins - magnifiquement reproduits - signés Léonard ! S'adressant autant aux spécialistes qu'aux novices, cet ouvrage a le mérite d'explorer les travaux du ...Read more...
Christw 1/18/20
Un oeil sur la couverture et quelques pages feuilletées suffisent à saisir une beauté discrète toute en teintes passées, ocre et bleu gris, rose chamois et gris rouillé, tons pastel relevés d'orange é...Read more...
Dossier-de-l-Art 12/3/19
Les publications et les expositions fleurissent à l'occasion du 500e anniversaire de la mort de Léonard. Parmi celles-ci, il faut signaler cet ouvrage de Martin Clayton qui présente quelque 200 dessin...Read more...

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The work and its artist

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)

Painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, musician and humanist of his time (XV-XVI centuries), initiator of the second Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci is the very figure of the universal genius. After the completion of The Virgin with the Rocks, for the chapel San Francesco Grande, and that of the Equestrian Statue of Francesco Sforza, he found glory throughout Italy. The Last Supper, the ceiling of the Sforza Palace, the Mona Lisa and the Battle of Anghiari are a few of his great artworks. Leonardo also carried out a large amount of studies on zoology, botany, anatomy, geology. In 1516, he joined the court of Francis I, where he participated in urban planning projects. He is taken by an illness on May 2, 1519.