Ballet performance of the Princess of Elide

Second day. Performance of the comedy and ballet of the Princesse d'Elide on a theatre in the same alleyway.

The Ultimes are prints made from the original etching plates in the Chalcographie collection at the Musée du Louvre before they were put into storage for preservation reasons.

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Sold by Réunion des Musées Nationaux


H. 33 × L. 50
Size of the sheet
38 x 56 cm
Israël Silvestre (1619-1679)
Avoid sources of moisture and direct light. Do not fold the sheet
Copper plate size
28,6 x 43,5 cm
Art movement
Modern & Contemporary Art
Ateliers d'art de la RMN-GP
Original work kept at
Chalcographie du Louvre

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The work and its artist

Israël Silvestre (1619-1679)

Draftsman and engraver Lorrain. He was appointed as the king's ordinary draughtsman (1663). At his request, he produced sets of engraved plates, intended to enrich the King's Cabinet and whose chalcography of the Louvre is heiress: Head and ring races, The Carrousel, Les Plaisirs de l'île Enchantée with numerous plans and elevations of the royal residences (Versailles, Fontainebleau, Monceaux...) and views and city profiles.