Naples in Paris. The Louvre Hosts the Museo di Capodimonte - Exhibition catalogue

Written in French.

At the invitation of the Louvre, more than sixty works from the Museo de Capodimonte have exceptionally taken their place on the walls of the Parisian museum. Paintings, drawings, objets d'art and porcelain by great masters such as Masaccio, Bellini, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian...
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Sold by Réunion des Musées Nationaux


23,1 x 30,8 cm
Raffaello Sanzio, dit Raphaël (1483-1520), Michel-Ange (1475-1564), Caravage (1571-1610), Tiziano Vecellio, called Le Titien (1488-1576), Giovanni Bellini (1430-1516)
Musée du Louvre
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Paperback with flap

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The work and its artist

Raffaello Sanzio, dit Raphaël (1483-1520)

Raffaello Santi or Sanzio, known as Raphael, a painter of the High Renaissance, is the son of the official painter of the court of the Duke of Urbino, Giovanni Santi. His style is characterized by an almost equal use of drawing and colour because, unlike many painters, he does not let one dominate the other; he is as precise in the line as in the distribution of colours as in the vanishing point.