To death, to life! Vanities past and present

To death, to life! Vanities past and present

November 28, 2021 May 8, 2022 Exhibition has ended
Nearly 160 prints, engravings, paintings, sculptures and installations from the late Middle Ages to contemporary art help understand artists' meditation on the finitude of human existence, ponder the meaning of life or the passage of time, and admire artists' celebration of the beauty of life over the centuries. This exhibition is organized in the frame of Lyon's art museums hub, which draws together the museum of Fine Arts (MBA) and the Museum of Contemporary Art (macLYON) since 2018.
Exhibition Catalogues

To death, to life! Vanities past and present - Exhibition catalogue

  • € 39
Written in French.

Emblematic works from the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, such as the vanities of Simon Renard de Saint-André and Pablo Picasso, will be on display alongside previously unseen works from the reserves, as well as major works from the Musée d'Art Contemporain de Lyon and private collections, where the category of "memento mori" is a major focus.

This work will bring together works from the 16th to the 21st century, created to echo the famous words of Ecclesiastes according to which "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity". It will allow us to consider the different typologies that artists have used over the centuries to remind us of the inevitable end of all human activity. A wide variety of themes have been used by artists to express the fragility of life and to invite us to make the most of it. This recurring reminder certainly tends to relativise the importance of human pretensions, which are considered derisory, even condemnable, but it also aims to provoke an awareness that can in turn lead to a better use of the time allotted for each existence.

Exhibition at the musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon from November 27th 2021 to May 7th 2022.

Written in French
236 pages

Éditions Bernard Chauveau
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