The Musée national Picasso-Paris preserves the largest collection of works by Pablo Picasso in the world. It is located in the heart of Paris, in the Marais district, within the entirely renovated Hotel Salé, erected in the 17th century and classified as a historic monument. Through its quality, its breadth and the diversity of the artistic fields represented, its collection and the temporary exhibitions presented, Picasso's entire work, painted, sculpted, engraved and drawn, as well as the evocation of the artist's creative process, can be seen through.

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Jackson Pollock. The Early Years (1934-1947)

15 October 2024 19 January 2025

The exhibition "Jackson Pollock: The Early Years (1934-1947)" revisits the early career of Jackson Pollock (1912-1956), marked by the influence of regionalism and Mexican muralists, right up to his first drippings in 1947. This body of work, rarely exhibited for its own sake, bears witness to the diverse sources that nourished the young artist's research, crossing the influence of native American arts with that of the European avant-gardes, among which Pablo Picasso figures prominently. Compared to the Spanish painter and the great names of European painting by the critics, Pollock was quickly established as a true monument of American painting, and in so doing, isolated from the more complex networks of exchanges of influences that nourished his work during his New York years. The exhibition aims to present in detail these years, which were the laboratory for his work, by restoring the artistic and intellectual context from which both were nourished.

Jackson Pollock

Museum collections

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Librairie-boutique du Musée Picasso-Paris
5 rue de Thorigny
75003 Paris
Phone : 01 58 65 15 52
Tuesday to Sunday
10:00 am to 6:30 pm Closed days: Mondays, 25/12, 01/01 and 01/05

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