Exhibition Catalogues

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Chaïm Soutine / Willem de Kooning. Painting incarnate - Exhibition catalogue
Exhibition Catalogues

Chaïm Soutine / Willem de Kooning. Painting incarnate - Exhibition catalogue

  • € 40

Dialogue between the Russian-born painter of the École de Paris and the American expressionist. From the 1920s onwards, Soutine met with a certain success on the other side of the Atlantic before being honoured with a retrospective at MoMA. As for Kooning, the great turning point in his work, between figuration and abstraction, is precisely linked to his confrontation with the work of the Russian painter.

Official catalogue of the exhibition "Chaïm Soutine / Willem de Kooning, painting incarnate" at the Musée de l'Orangerie from 15 September 2021 to 10 January 2022.

French language
230 pages

Hazan Publishing
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