Drawing entirely on the riches of the Cabinet de la Photographie collection, the titles in the series favor transversal, even poetic, approaches to modern and contemporary photography.
The history of photography is crossed by the history of writing and vice versa.
From the first photographic...
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Drawing entirely on the riches of the Cabinet de la Photographie collection, the titles in the series favor transversal, even poetic, approaches to modern and contemporary photography.
The history of photography is crossed by the history of writing and vice versa.
From the first photographic records of Egyptian hieroglyphs to urban graffiti, including the neon advertising lights that light up the night of big cities, the written word haunts photography. The photographic image has also, conversely, profoundly modified our view of writing.
In modern times, the city has become an immense reservoir of signs, a page on which our daily, poetic or political history is written. From the surrealists to Andreas Gursky, from Brassaï to William Klein, this book invites us to this urban reading.
Ancient price 15 € / New reduced price 7 €
96 pages / 60 illustrations
Éditions du Centre Pompidou