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Beaux Arts Special Edition / Egyptian Pharaohs From Cheops to Ramesses II - Atelier des Lumières

  • € 12.90

This year, the Atelier des Lumières confronts an ancient civilization and a cultural experience that promises to be spectacular. In fact, the exhibition is dedicated to all of ancient Egypt, from Khufu to Tutankhamun. A true exploration through painting, reliefs, sculptures, jewelry and architecture, both of daily life, that of the pyramid builders in particular, of rites and customs, of beliefs, of the different gods and their meanings, as well as of the different dynasties that made Egypt. For millennia, their civilization has fascinated us: it must be said that the Ancient Egyptians left behind them an exceptional heritage which still retains its share of mysteries. Pharaohs, temples and pyramids, mummies, archaeological treasures, hieroglyphs, mythology or great archaeological epics...
Beaux Arts Éditons will give the keys to understanding this civilization, the different gods, and will return to the emblematic places and the characters who shaped them, with focus and stories and strength of illustrations. And it is in an Orientalist dream, fantasized by Ingres, Delacroix, Gerôme, that the journey ends in the 19th century .

Exhibition at the Atelier des Lumières, from February 9, 2024 to January 5, 2025

Bilingual french / English
76 pages - February 2024
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