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Clear file A5 Palace of Versailles - The Queen's Bedroom

  • € 5.90
Château de Versailles, the Queen's Apartment.
The Queen's Bedchamber.
Versailles, musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon
© Photo Château de Versailles / dist. GrandPalaisRmn, J.M. Manaï
© GrandPalaisRmnCréations, Paris 2024

The Bedchamber is the most important room in the apartments and is where the Queen spent most of her time. It was where she slept, often with the king, and in the morning she received guests here during and after her toilette which, like the King's getting-up ceremony : etiquette controlled every moment of life in the Court... Find out more , was a courtly affair controlled by strict etiquette.
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