Pioneers. Artists in the Paris of the Roaring Twenties

Pioneers. Artists in the Paris of the Roaring Twenties

March 2, 2022 July 10, 2022 Exhibition has ended
Through the presentation of paintings, sculptures, photographs, films, textiles and literary works, this exhibition proposes to highlight the primordial role of women in the development of the great artistic movements of modernity. These pioneers, such as Tamara de Lempicka, Sonia Delaunay, Tarsila do Amaral and Chana Orloff, born at the end of the 19th or the very beginning of the 20th century, finally gained access to the great art schools which had previously been reserved for men.
Exhibition Catalogues

Pioneers. Artists in the Paris of the Roaring Twenties - Exhibition catalogue

  • € 40
Written in French.

For a long time marginalized and discriminated against in their training and in their access to galleries, collectors and museums, women artists of the first half of the 20th century nevertheless played a key role in the development of the great artistic movements of modernity. The exhibition "Pioneers. Artists in the Paris of the Roaring Twenties" reintegrates them into this changing art history.

This exhibition presents 40 artists working in painting, sculpture, film and new categories of objects. Well-known artists such as Suzanne Valadon, Tamara de Lempicka and Marie Laurencin rub shoulders with forgotten figures like Mela Muter, Anton Prinner and Gerda Wegener. These women came from all over the world, including other continents where some would later export the idea of modernity: Tarsila do Amaral in Brazil, Amrita Sher Gil in India or Pan Yunliang in China.

Exhibition at the Musée du Luxembourg from March 2nd 2022 to July 10th 2022.

Written in French.
208 pages / 160 illustrations

Éditions Rmn - Grand Palais
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