
The GrandPalaisRmn has selected a range of products related to each exhibition.

Tang China A cosmopolitan dynasty (7th - 10th century)

20 November 2024 3 March 2025

This winter, with the support of Art Exhibitions China, the Musée Guimet is taking visitors on a journey to the heart of Chang'an, the glorious, cosmopolitan capital of the Tang dynasty (618-907).

A cultural and commercial crossroads on the Silk Roads, this sprawling city was the largest in the world in the 8th century.

More than 200 millenia-old exceptional works of art loaned by numerous museums in China's provinces invite visitors to discover this city of wonders, frequented by thousands of merchants, pilgrims, scholars, musicians, artists, craftsmen and court aristocrats from all over the empire and beyond.

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