On his moon boat, Pompon the bear sets off on a journey! He dives into the ocean... But instead of fish, it's a whole bunch of plastic junk that's going down the current. On the surface, everything's quivering... the Gobe-Tout whale is coming!
The Gobe-Tout whale swallows Pompon the...
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On his moon boat, Pompon the bear sets off on a journey! He dives into the ocean... But instead of fish, it's a whole bunch of plastic junk that's going down the current. On the surface, everything's quivering... the Gobe-Tout whale is coming!
The Gobe-Tout whale swallows Pompon the bear, a little boy and kilos of plastic whole. How to get out of the whale's belly? Especially since it is bloated and threatens to run aground after swallowing all this waste. The boy, a man named Pinocchio, strikes a match. Pompon blows on it and scratches, scratches the whale's throat. Before being stuck, it spits everything out on the beach: the bear, the boy and the waste. Phew! Pinocchio, Pompon and the whale are saved! The polar bear returns to the ice floe on his moon boat. He deserves a little nap before setting off on his journey again.
Age 3-6 years
32 pages
Editions de L'Élan vert