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2 Figurines for moulding and decorating Napoleon and Napoleonette - Mako moulages
Creative hobbies

2 Figurines for moulding and decorating Napoleon and Napoleonette - Mako moulages

  • € 24.95
2 Moulds, 6 mini paint cups, 1 brush, plaster

Mix the plaster, pour it into the mould, take it out of the mould and start painting.

From 5 years old

Did you know?
The oldest casts date back to Ancient Egypt. They were made from terracotta. Today, they are most commonly made from latex and are know as sock moulds. The Atelier des musées collection invites little ones to explore this age-old art form and discover a historic artwork or figure.

Napoléon Bonaparte ( 1769-1821)
This peerless soldier, crowned Emperor in 1804 at Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, had a profound impact on France which can still be felt to this day! He invented the civil code, the baccalaureate, firefighters and even the Legion of honour.

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