Photographic Agency

24th April 2018
Willy Ronis by Willy Ronis
On April 27, Willy Ronis exhibition by Willy Ronis will open at Pavillon Carré de Baudouin, a partnership with the Photographic Agency of the RMN Grand Palais.
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A real team work
The photographic agency brings together a team of professionals trained in advanced techniques: photographers, technicians, documentalists. The transversality between the photographers, the laboratory, the documentalists, the sales and the sales administration is the keystone of the organization of the Photo Agency. It ensures the technical and scientific quality of its images and offers a real quality of service to image seekers. Its production line is automated, streamlined and optimized. Equipment and equipment are regularly renewed to adapt to changing technologies: photo-digital cameras, 3D sensors, scanners, servers, etc.

Did you know ?
All the photographs exhibited have been the subject of an exceptional work in the laboratory of the Photographic Agency of the Réunion des Musées Nationaux - Grand Palais, which distributes them exclusively.