Once upon a time, on a full moon evening in Venice, there was a man dressed all in white with pink ribbons on his slippers. This is Pierrot, a theatrical character who often makes people laugh. But tonight, he looks very sad...
Tale inspired by the famous painting Gilles by Watteau kept in the Louvre...
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Once upon a time, on a full moon evening in Venice, there was a man dressed all in white with pink ribbons on his slippers. This is Pierrot, a theatrical character who often makes people laugh. But tonight, he looks very sad...
Tale inspired by the famous painting Gilles by Watteau kept in the Louvre museum.
The unpublished illustrations in this book are accompanied by a small educational booklet presenting the original works conserved in the Louvre that play a part in the tale.
From 4 years old
32 pages
Faton / Louvre éditions