The Belsunce district, in Marseille. Its dilapidated buildings, its scooters, its overturned trash cans and its brand new City stadium. Since its inauguration, the mini football field has been frequented 24/7 by all the young people in the neighborhood. Only Enzo, who lives next door...
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The Belsunce district, in Marseille. Its dilapidated buildings, its scooters, its overturned trash cans and its brand new City stadium. Since its inauguration, the mini football field has been frequented 24/7 by all the young people in the neighborhood. Only Enzo, who lives next door, refuses to set foot there. It's not that he hates football, on the contrary, but he can't stand those who play it, these footballers with oyster IQs who spend their lives insulting each other. The day Ilyes and Ali manage to drag him to City, Enzo finds himself in the worst job in the world, that of goalkeeper. And there, surprise! He turns out to be gifted, very gifted, at stopping goals...
8 to 11 years
208 pages
Editions l'école des loisirs