The seasons by the great masters of Japanese print - Hokusai, Hiroshige

The seasons by the great masters of Japanese print - Hokusai, Hiroshige

Written in French.

Great travellers and nature lovers, Hokusai (1760-1849) and Hiroshige (1797-1858) revolutionized the art of Japanese printmaking from the end of the 18th century, bringing the landscape genre to its peak. Filling their views with scenes from everyday life, they have largely appropriated...
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11 x 16 x 4,8 cm
Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849)
Art movement
Asiatic art
Musée national des arts asiatiques-Guimet, Musée de Grenoble
Size of the book
Paperback with flap

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Art Books

Babelio Reviews

4.42 / 5
Enya75 12/30/18
Très joli petit coffret d'estampes de paysages japonais, avec un livre où figurent toutes les représentations en couleurs. Il est accompagné d'un mince fascicule de la même taille, où figurent la lége...Read more...

The work and its artist

Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849)

Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) was a painter and printmaker of the Edo period who popularized Japanese Art in the 20th Century Occident and his undoubtedly the most famous Japanese artist. His work, rich in 30,000 drawings influenced many Impressionnist artists who quickly learnt from the artist: framing, attention to detail and originality of colourful displays. His works included scenes from everyday life, illustrations from contemporary literature, landscapes, flowers and birds and manga. Thirty-six views of Mount Fuji (1831-1833) actually counted 46 prints and Kanagawa's Great Wave (1831) are his best-known works.