Tarsila do Amaral Painting modern Brazil

Tarsila do Amaral Painting modern Brazil

October 9, 2024 February 5, 2025 Exhibition has ended
A central figure of Brazilian modernism, Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973) is one of Brazil's best-known and best-loved artists. She created an original, evocative body of work, drawing on indigenous imagery and the modernising elements of a rapidly-transforming country.Starting in the 1920s, moving between São Paulo and Paris, Tarsila do Amaral navigated between the avant-gardes of these two cultural capitals. Having constructed a "Brazilian" iconographic world in Paris, put to the test by the Cubism ...
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Exhibition Catalogues

Tarsila do Amaral - Exhibition catalog

  • € 40

« I feel more and more Brazilian. I want to be the painter of my country. »
(Tarsila do Amaral, 1923)

A central figure in Brazilian art and the artistic and cultural revival of the early twentieth century known as "modernismo", Tarsila do Amaral (1886-1973) is undoubtedly one of the most popular artists in Brazil.

His painting invites us to rethink the cleavages between traditions and avant-gardes, centres and peripheries, scholarly and popular cultures, while questioning notions of extreme topicality, such as indigenism, cultural legacies and colonialism. All these references are observed and translated into an original, accessible and modern pictorial vocabulary.

In addition to his production of the 1920s linked to the "modernist", "Pau Brasil" and "anthropophagic" movements, this catalogue shows his work from the 1930s to the 1960s and allows us to deepen the political, militant and spiritual dimension of the artist, perfectly anchored in the Brazilian culture of his time and always receptive and permeable to the current authorities of Western arts.

Exhibition at the Musée du Luxembourg from 9 October 2024 to 2 February 2025

208 pages / 160 illustrations

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