Exhibition Catalogues

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Exhibition Catalogues

Bacon in words - Exhibition catalogue

  • € 20
Written in French.

The Centre Pompidou continues its re-examination of key 20th century works by devoting a major exhibition to Francis Bacon.

The last major French exhibition of this artist's work was held in 1996 at the Centre Pompidou. More than twenty years later, Bacon : Books and Painting presents paintings dating from 1971, the year of the retrospective event at the national galleries of the Grand Palais, to his final works in 1992.

The catalog deals especially with the strong bond between Bacon's works and literature. Furthermore, the triptychs are presented in the form of leaflets, in order to to see their visual impact and their kinship from an unexpected literary angle.

Exhibition at the Centre Pompidou from the September 11th 2019 to the January 20th 2020.

Ancient price 42 € / New reduced price 20 €

Written in French.
242 pages / 250 illustrations

Centre Pompidou Publishing
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