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Bourgeois de Calais
European Art

Bourgeois de Calais Rodin

  • € 580
Hand patinated reproduction. Mold made from a print of the original work on display at the Rodin Museum.

This reduction of one of the six figures of the Bourgeois of Calais monument can be dated from the years 1895-1899.

While in the group, the statue of Pierre de Wissant has a role of plastic stopper, his reduced and separate statuette is particularly well suited to him.
The elegance of the gesture expresses pain and despair. The tragic nature is accentuated by the drape of the shirt which envelops the body.

The Boulogne-sur-Mer Museum copy, acquired in 1902 by the industrialist Charles Lebeau, has the same characteristics as the plaster model preserved at the Musée Rodin in Paris, in particular the broken rope on the shirt's indentation.
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