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Art Books

Catalogue of French paintings of the XVIIᵉ century from the Louvre

  • € 65

For the greatest French painters of the Grand Siècle, Nicolas Poussin, Georges de La Tour, the Le Nain brothers, Claude Lorrain, Charles Le Brun, Eustache Le Sueur, Valentin de Boulogne, Laurent de La Hyre and Simon Vouet, the Louvre is the starting point for any study. This catalogue brings together the entire collection of 17th-century French paintings in the Musée du Louvre, i.e. 626 paintings, with very detailed texts for the greatest masterpieces and more succinct texts for the lower-ranking paintings. The reproductions are also arranged in a hierarchy, highlighting the most important paintings without sacrificing completeness. The introduction presents the history of this exceptional collection and its presentation in the palace, from the Grande Galerie in 1793 to the Richelieu and Sully rooms today.

French language
336 pages

Coédition Gallimard / Louvre éditions
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