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Exhibition Catalogues

Picasso devant la nature

  • € 28
Exhibition at the museum of the departmental estate of Sceaux, in partnership with the National Museum Picasso-Paris, from 15 September to 31 December 2017.

The book is devoted to the treatment of nature in the work of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). Paintings, drawings, prints from all periods are gathered around this theme previously hitherto neglected by Picassian historiography. In fact, Picasso is often considered a painter of figures, a great representative of the female nude or the portrait. In many of his compositions, nature seems to bend to a simple role of decor, a secondary ornament. However, since the artist's few incursions into the traditional genre of the landscape, where the cubist representation deviates from the mimesis without breaking with it, until the creation of a laboratory of new forms crossed by the theme of metamorphoses , Picasso, this "terrible solar eye" according to the formula of René Char, explored nature from different angles.
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